About Jacob Leivent, MD

Jacob Leivent, MD, is a practice that specializes in adult psychiatric care from a uniquely holistic perspective. Dr. Leivent sees patients from Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Los Angeles, through convenient telehealth visits.

The practice uses an individualized and evidence-based approach to psychiatric care, with every patient getting a customized treatment plan.

Dr. Leivent performs psychiatric evaluations and offers both psychotherapy and medication management to help his patients manage and triumph over attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mood disorders, anxiety, depression, and other conditions.

Dr. Leivent believes that easy access to experienced psychiatric care providers is critical for good long-term management of psychiatric conditions. He makes that easy with telehealth. All appointments are conducted through online teleconferences and phone calls.

Patients appreciate the concierge-type care, which lets them easily connect with Dr. Leivent when they need him.

Modern life in the busy urban environments of New York City and Los Angeles can be exciting and fun, but the fast pace can also be stressful. This pressure may cause anxiety, emotional distress, and addictive behaviors, which can rapidly spiral out of control if ignored and untreated.

Dr. Leivent helps his patients navigate challenges while prioritizing their mental health. For the best in telehealth psychiatry in New York or LA, call the office or book an appointment online.